The Use of Multimedia to Develop Learning About Good Citizenship of Prathom Suksa 5 Students at Ban Pong School, Ban Pong Subdistrict, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province.

  • วรวรรณ กิจจานนศิริ MahachulalongkornrajavidyalayaUniversity Chiang Mai Campus
  • พระวิทวัส โกฎิฉกรรจ์ MahachulalongkornrajavidyalayaUniversity Chiang Mai Campus
  • ไท สิริเขต MahachulalongkornrajavidyalayaUniversity Chiang Mai Campus
Keywords: Use of mixed media, Develop learning, good citizenship


Research on the use of multimedia to develop learning on good citizenship The objectives were: 1. To find the efficiency and effectiveness of the multimedia used in teaching about good citizenship. 2. To compare the learning achievements of students before and after learning about the part that they learned about good citizenship by using media. Mixed 3. To assess the student's satisfaction with learning using mixed media. The population used in this research were 17 Prathomsuksa 5 students at Banpong School, Banpong Sub-district, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province. The research tools were: Use mixed media to develop learning about Duties of Good Citizens. 2) Mixed media to develop learning about Using multimedia to develop learning about Duties.Good Samaritan

The results showed that The efficiency of using multimedia to develop learning for learning development on the use of multimedia to develop learning was equal to 9.80, which was higher than the specified criterion of 70/70. Learn about the use of multimedia to develop learning at a good level.

Suggestions include: Should use mixed media to develop learning. applied to other subjects such as geography corresponding to that course indicator The use of multimedia should be developed to develop learning by having a study tour. And should develop mixed media to be less complicated and not complicated.


How to Cite
กิจจานนศิริว., โกฎิฉกรรจ์พ., & สิริเขตไ. (2023). The Use of Multimedia to Develop Learning About Good Citizenship of Prathom Suksa 5 Students at Ban Pong School, Ban Pong Subdistrict, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Teaching Science, 1(2). Retrieved from