Research report to develop learning on the use of the Canva application To promote online learning in the epidemic situation COVID-19 Nong Tong Wittaya Municipal School, Nong Tong Subdistrict, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province.

  • อัครเดช ลือชัย Mahachulalongkornrajavitdyalaya Univercity, Chiang Mai Campus
  • พระวิทวัส โกฎิฉกรรจ์ Mahachulalongkornrajavitdyalaya Univercity, Chiang Mai Campus
  • อนุชา น้ำสา Nong Tong Wittaya Municipal School


The purpose of this research is 1) to promote online learning in the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. using the Canva application 2) to assess the satisfaction of students with learning using the Canva application. They are students in Mathayomsuksa 2, Nong Tong Wittaya Municipal School, Nong Tong Sub-district, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province. There were 11 people in total. The research tools were 1) Canva application 2) Google Meet online classroom 3) Satisfaction questionnaire. Satisfaction of students towards using the Canva application was analyzed using mean (x) and standard deviation (S.D.) statistics. The results were as follows: The results showed that 1) the result of learning how to use the Canva application to create worksheets found that The submission rate has increased and submitted faster. Beautiful student worksheets are easier to read, making assessments easier. And measure results during online classes can do better. Not stuck like the first period. 2) Satisfaction assessment results of Students towards learning using the Canva application find that most students Satisfaction was at a very good level.

Suggestions from the research were as follows: learning activities should take into account the suitability of gender, age and ability level of students Efficient communication devices are required. The internet system must be stable in order for activities to run smoothly.

How to Cite
ลือชัยอ., โกฎิฉกรรจ์พ., & น้ำสาอ. (2023). Research report to develop learning on the use of the Canva application To promote online learning in the epidemic situation COVID-19 Nong Tong Wittaya Municipal School, Nong Tong Subdistrict, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Teaching Science, 1(1). Retrieved from