Development of Learning Achievement in Economics by Mind Mapping Learning Management Method of Prathom Suksa 4 Students at Wat Sri Sawang School.

  • บังอร ใจกลางเมือง มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตเชียงใหม่


This research The objective was to compare learning achievements in economics courses on goods and services. of Prathomsuksa 4 students who received Mind Mapping learning management between before and after learning. The population used in this research was Grade 4 students at Wat Sri Sawang School Office of the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area, Region 4, 1 room, a total of 8 people. tools used in the study It consists of a learning management plan for social studies, religion and culture. subject matter of economics products and services, amount 1 learning plan for 1 hour, pre-learning and post-learning achievement assessment form on products and services, amount 1 issue, is a multiple-choice test, 4 choices, 10 items.

The results showed that Achievement after studying economics subject products and services By using the mind mapping learning management method of grade 4 students after learning was higher than before, that is to say, the students received an achievement score after learning with an average score of 7.50, representing 87.5% of the the total number of students which is higher than before
