Factors Influencing to Helmet Wearing of Students at That Phanom College, Nakhon Phanom University

  • มณีวรรณ บรรลุศิลป์
Keywords: Factors Influencing, Helmet, Student


The research title “Factors Influencing to Helmet Wearing of Students at That Phanom College Nakhon Phanom University” aimed to study the factors influencing to helmet wearing of students at That Phanom College, Nakhon Phanom University. The population were 976 people setting sample size by Taro Yamane formula as 284 people. The research tool was questionnaire. The result showed the majority of respondents were male amount 176 people or 62.00 percent. Age between 15-18 years old amount 137 peoples or 48.20 percent. Program in Business Computer and Machanic amount 71 people or 25.00 percent. Diploma of Vocationnal Certifical level amount 126 peoples or 44.40 percent. Student wearing helmet while driving amount 195 people or 68.70 percent. Student owning helmet amount 249 peoples or 87.70 percent. Student used to got an accident more than 2 times amount 101 people or 35.56 percent. Most of student have not arrested on helmet illegal amount 128 peoples or 45.07 percent. The analysis on helmet acknowledgement shown most of respondents knowing about helmet control rule amount 284 peoples or 100 percent. The analysis of “Factors Influencing to Helmet Wearing of Students at That Phanom College, Nakhon Phanom University” are on medium level (x ̅ = 2.91, S.D. = 0.71) and wearing helmet make uncomfortable and annoyed (x ̅ = 3.18, S.D. = 1.97).


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