A Study of Satisfaction of Teachers of Wat Mahathat Phrapariyattidhamma School, Mueang District, Nakhon Phanom Province

  • ทัศเทพ โลสันตา วิทยาลัยสงฆ์นครพนม
  • พระมหาประกาย ปญฺญาวชิโร
Keywords: Satisfaction, Duty Performance, Wat Mahathat Pariyadithamma School


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the level of duty performance satisfaction of teachers at Wat Mahathat Pariyadithamma School, including 5 aspects namely; aspect of characteristics of work, aspect of working environment, aspect of relations between colleagues, aspect of the work success, and aspect of job security, 2) to study obstacles in duty performance, and 3) to study guidelines for enhancing duty performance satisfaction. The sample population was 13 teachers at Wat Mahathat Pariyadithamma School. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research revealed as follows: 1. In overall, the duty performance of teachers was at a high level (¯x = 4.29). While considering each aspect, the result revealed as follows: an aspect of relations between colleagues (4.44), characteristics of work (¯x= 4.38), job security (¯x=4.33), work success (¯x=4.18), and the working environment (¯x=4.15) respectively. 2. In obstacles in duty performance, it was found that there were too many holidays, lack of cleaning equipment and scientific experiment, lack of proper communication, lack of cooperation in various activities and lack of appropriate welfare. 3. Guidelines for enhancing duty performance satisfaction were as follows: should not compensate for school hours on Saturday-Sunday, should have cleaning equipment and necessary scientific equipment, should develop relationship skills with colleagues, should have joint activities once a week, and should have an appropriate welfare system.


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