The development of political roles for women In Dong Luang Subdistrict Dong Luang District, Mukdahan Province

  • พระมหาสนอง จำนิล
  • มานิตย์ แขวงเมือง
Keywords: development, Political role, female


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the development of women 's political roles and 2) to study the guidelines for the development of women' s political roles. The sample population Executive Officer Dong Luang district and village health volunteers (VHV.) 59 questionnaire tool. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean (xˉ) and standard deviation (S.D.). The result of the research are 1) Level of opinion, the development of political roles of women In the area of Dong Luang Subdistrict Municipality, Dong Luang District, Mukdahan Province The overall picture is in the high level ("x" ̅ = 4.39). When considering each aspect found that Election The expression of people As for the opinions Changing the organizational culture and the establishment and consolidation of interest groups respectively 2) Guidelines for the development of political roles for women In the municipality of Dong Luang Subdistrict, Dong Luang District, Mukdahan Province are as follows 2.1) Regarding the election, it is recommended that if there is an election, it should go to use the voting right every time and check the candidates to prevent corruption. 2.2) Regarding the opinions, it is recommended that every member should participate in the community forum when there is an opportunity. And should attend the meeting and offer opinions 2.4) Regarding the establishment and integration of interest groups, it is suggested that persuade community members to form various groups. To do activities that are generally beneficial 2.4) Regarding the expression of people, it is suggested that they should participate in various projects or activities. The municipality held as vocational training. Father's Day activities and to persuade relatives to attend the event. 2.5) The change in the corporate culture that should offer opportunities for public comment with the government. And should represent the public to monitor the performance of government agencies.


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