
ขอส่งบทความวิชาการ เนื่องในงานประชุมวิชาการ

  • ปฐมพงศ์ บูชาบุตร Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chaing Rai Buddhist College


This academic article aims to study the structure of the cosmic mountain as described in the Cakkavāḷadīpanī scripture. The findings reveal that the cosmological content of the Cakkavāḷadīpanī concerning the structure of the universe appears in the first section, which presents the cosmic diagram, and the second section, which details the mountains that form the components of the cosmic structure. These mountains include Mount Sineru, the seven surrounding mountains, Mount Himavanta, and the cosmic mountain.

The Cakkavāḷadīpanī scripture provides a detailed explanation of the components of the universe, including their locations, standard measurements, proportions of the universe, and the relative sizes of the mountains. All of this content is abstract, and the cosmological concepts serve as the foundation for creating Buddhist artworks. Historically, these cosmological ideas in Buddhism have been materialized in the design of temple layouts and stupas. Thus, this article serves as a model for those interested in Buddhist cosmology, offering a framework for accurately applying these concepts to the creation of Buddhist art in line with Buddhist cosmological principles.



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