คดีสมัยพุทธกาล กรณีนางจิญจมาณวิกา หมิ่นประมาทพระพุทธเจ้า

  • ณรงค์ เชื้อบัวเย็น มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตแพร่
คำสำคัญ: หมิ่นประมาท, ใส่ความ



This article aims to: 1) explore the historical account of Ciñcā Māṇavikā, 2) study the principles of defamation law, and 3) analyze the offenses of defamation in civil and criminal law, along with the penalties involved. The findings reveal that: 1) Ciñcā Māṇavikā falsely accused and slandered the Buddha, causing harm to a revered figure in society. Such actions are considered both a social offense and a violation under the law of karma. 2) Defamation laws are categorized into two types: libel (written defamation) and slander (spoken defamation). If someone is falsely accused, the victim may sue for financial damages, and in some cases, criminal penalties such as fines or imprisonment may apply. Modern legal systems require the accuser to prove the falsity of the allegations and the resulting harm, balancing the importance of human rights and freedom of expression. Current penalties emphasize justice and the protection of all partiesí rights within the legal process. 3) The legal consequences for defamation cases, such as that of Ciñcā Māṇavikā, differ significantly in the modern era, as legal systems have evolved to prioritize human rights and justice. Such cases are now considered under defamation laws designed to protect individualsí reputations while respecting freedom of speech.


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