ศึกษาหลักพุทธธรรมที่ส่งเสริมการดำเนินชีวิตของผู้สูงอายุ ของศูนย์กิจกรรมและบริการผู้สูงอายุเทศบาลตำบลหนองป่าครั่ง อ.เมือง จ.เชียงใหม่

  • เพียงพิศ ศรีมูล เทศบาลตำบลหนองป่าครั่ง
คำสำคัญ: หลักพุทธธรรม, ส่งเสริมการดำเนินชีวิต, ผู้สูงอาย


This research article aims to: 1) study the lifestyle activities of the elderly in Nong Pa Khrang Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province, 2) analyze the application of Buddhist principles in the lives of the elderly in this area, and 3) present Buddhist principles that promote the well-being of the elderly. This qualitative research employed document analysis, review of related studies, and interviews with 25 elderly participants at the Elderly Activity and Service Center of Nong Pa Khrang Subdistrict Municipality.

The research findings revealed that: 1) The lifestyle activities of the elderly focus on promoting physical and mental health, social interaction, and the transmission of knowledge and wisdom. 2) The elderlyís daily practices emphasize the beneficial use of leisure time, with activities that help reduce stress, maintain mental health, and encourage volunteerism. The elderly participate in various activities according to their readiness, such as worshiping, making merit on important religious days, and engaging in community service. 3) The Buddhist principles that support the elderlyís well-being include the Four Brahmaviharas for harmonious social living, the Three Bases of Meritorious Action for fostering good relationships and mutual assistance, the Principles for Longevity that align with holistic health practices, and the Four Sangahavatthus for constructive communication, discerning right actions, and cultivating mental concentration.



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